GEF 3.21.0 Release

Built: 2024-09-06 at 17:48 🧰

This is a p2 update site for GEF. Use the icon to copy the update site URL to the system clipboard. Alternatively, you can download the archive of this repository from the download sidebar on the right.

This simple update site will be retained permanently.

GEF Features

This update site provides access to the following features. Each section is expandable via the  icon to provide detailed information about the requirements of each feature.

  • GEF Classic Draw2d 3.21.0
  • GEF Classic Draw2d SDK 3.21.0
  • GEF Classic GEF (MVC) 3.21.0
  • GEF Classic GEF (MVC) Examples 3.21.0
  • GEF Classic GEF (MVC) SDK 3.21.0
  • GEF Classic Zest 3.21.0
  • GEF Classic Zest SDK 3.21.0

GEF Bundles

This update site provides access to the bundles listed below. Each section is expandable via the  icon to provide detailed information about the exports and imports of each bundle.

  • The ⇖ icon denotes the exported bundle identifier along with its full version.
  • The ↖ icon denotes an exported java package along with its full version, if specified.
  • The ⇘ icon denotes a required bundle along with its version range, if specified, as well as information about whether the requirement is optional and if so, whether it's greedy.
  • The ↘ icon denotes a required package along with its version range, if specified.
  • GEF Classic Draw2d 3.17.0  669.9KB
  • GEF Classic Draw2d Developer Documentation 3.13.200  2,244.8KB
  • GEF Classic Draw2d Examples 3.16.0  293.3KB
  • GEF Classic Flow Editor Example 3.16.100  107.3KB
  • GEF Classic GEF (MVC) 3.19.0  1,048.6KB
  • GEF Classic GEF (MVC) Developer Documentation 3.13.600  2,734.7KB
  • GEF Classic Logic Editor Example 3.14.500  266.3KB
  • GEF Classic Shape Editor Example 3.15.100  75.8KB
  • GEF Classic Text Editor Example 3.15.200  157.0KB
  • GEF Classic Zest Core 1.13.0  163.6KB
  • GEF Classic Zest Developer Documentation 1.8.800  37.6KB
  • GEF Classic Zest Examples 3.18.0  194.1KB
  • GEF Classic Zest Layouts 1.6.0  130.5KB