In a discussion brought up at the last staff meeting, and I'm sure I'll get flamed (jokingly) here for. Katsucon has decided to have for the first time, A Character Guest of Honor. With all the characters out there, it would be hard to choose from the many well known characters. Many of whom are deserving of the title. We cheated, and came up with our own. =) So I am proud(maybe not) to annouce... Katsucon Ichi's Character Guest of Honor ** Karen Nakanishi ** BIO: Karen was born in the Lesser Takamarahaga Arcology in 2051, and arrived with the first wave of settlers in Pacifica Arcology at age of three. Being an inquisitive and rambunctious young child, yet not truly understood by others, she soon found her into the Mesh.(aka - Cyberspace) By the precocious age of twelve, she had attained a full operators liscence for global access. In 2066, she enrolled in the Gibson Institute of Advanced Ontology and Cybernetics after an extensive cyberspace education as an adolescent prankster, specializing in the art of "Toreador".* There she met Hikaru Otomodachi, a fellow Meshscape expatriate, and together they founded "The Silicon Menagerie". The "S&M", as it was often called, was an unaddressed D-space on the Pacifica Mesh, set aside for a select few, built to provide a means of escape from brutality of the "New Structure" civilization during the economically depressed seventies(2070's). The silicon Menagerie was wdely sought after by those who would wear it's membership as a symbol of respectability among Pacifica's mesher community; it was equally sought after by the Terran Arcology Authority for miuse of Pacifica's D-space. Their efforts have been to no avail, for the Silicon Menagerie is still active. Karen's interest in Old Structure animated cinema (two-dee) led her to Katsucon Shichijuhhyon, which was held Konovalov Station at Ell-One. She became more involved over the years until now, as she is Production Chairr for Katsucon Shichijuhkyu in Erebus Arcology. By means of the Anomaly, a Kohl-Rabi attenuation found in the Off World Mesh near the non-linear corridor linking Konovalov and Nove O'Neil Stations, a full simulacrum hologram of Karen has been regresed seventy-eight years in time, to attend Katsucon Ichi. Due to her simulacrum's voxel polarity, she can only be seen while wearing special eyeglasses. *NOTE: "Toreador": NOT as in "Vampire: The Masquerade" is a mesher who tries to drag large, corporate engrammed AI's out of their protective "icehouses", and taunts them into incompatible D-spaces, where they are trapped in contradictory logic flows. It can be described as the cyberpunk equivilent to a much older game: "Chicken" ************************************************************************* Other Credits: "The Silicon Menagerie" - Mangazine #14 "Raphsody in Infra-red" - Collegite Times (Virgina Tech) This Bio was written by Karen's Agent, Mr. Chris .E. Impink, speed demon artist and Co-chair to Katsucon Ichi. For those interested to know what Karen looks like, pictures and full stats will be available soon on a FTP site, and BBS near you. Or, just look on one of our flyers, she has made cameo appearances on them. She has alredy made it on the staff T-shirt. Which will also be avaible soon. =)