Aircraft Factory Project File Listing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Project Name = FJ-100 Description = Aerostar Corporate Jet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Aerostar Jet Model FJ-100 will have a maximum cruise speed of 400 knots (460 mph) and a long range cruise speed of 340 knots on as little as 394 pph (58 gal/hr.). This projected performance will allow the Aerostar Jet to cruise 80 to 100 knots faster than the typical turboprop powered aircraft and burn approximately 40 percent less fuel than existing entry level corporate jets. This FS98 only computer model performs similarly and uses the standard Lear panel and sound. The aircraft includes landing lights and working spoilers as well. Installation: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just unzip the all files into your Flight Simulator 98 folders: \Aircraft\FJ-100 - aircraft.cfg, fj-100.air, 98FJ-100.txt \mdl - model.cfg, fj-100.mdl \panel - panel.cfg \sound - sound.cfg \texture - all *.*af files Have fun! Mark Dickinson. Email: For bugfixes and updates check out my Web site: