Turn on word wrap.... Written for FS98 default scenery. This scenery places signage at 47 different airports in New Jersey. Each sign includes the name of the airport, town, elevation, ID, ATIS, and ILS (as listed in FS98). To install, place scenery files (.bgl) in fs\nj\scenery and texture files (.r8) in fs\nj\texture. Open scenery library in fs, add fs\nj\scenery\*.bgl. Make scenery local, active, and scenery layer number lower than other scenery for this state. If you would be interested in having a smaller sign added to a particular airport with a business name and address on it or your name (i.e. John Doe - Johndoe@xyz.com), drop me a line. Personal names would be included in the next upgrade of that particular state at no charge and business names would be charged a nominal fee and also released in the next upgrade. Space is limited to several signs per airport, so if interested, email me. This scenery is released as Freeware. Enjoy.... John Blahm Papasmurf46@yahoo.com